This week we welcome back York Town Organics after a short winter break. Clare and Bruce’s carefully tended and certified organic greens go well beyond the usual commercially cultivated varieties, which has brought them a loyal following with their restaurant customers, and we wholeheartedly appreciate the variety these bring to your boxes! This week $20 and $40 boxes include baby silverbeet leaves – perfect for no fuss cooking – and $30 boxes include green mizuna, best used as a salad green, which can stand up to strongly-flavoured dressings owing to its refreshing mustardy zing. Ironically York Town, near the mouth of the Tamar and the first European settlement in Tasmania, was abandoned by colonists due to the poor growing conditions – something Clare & Bruce have been able to disprove wholeheartedly!
York Town Organics and Dendra Gardens have both supplied coriander this week, so all except $25 boxes include this delicious herb that thrives in moderately cold conditions despite being associated with the cuisines of hot-weather countries.