This week is a bit of a symphony of bunched root vegetables! In addition to carrot and beetroot bunches from Dendra Market Gardens, we’ve been able to get even more of Richmond Farm’s golden beetroot bunches (these are a bit pricier but not only are they delicious, the leaves are also very tasty!) and purple radish. $40 boxes are even luckier – we’ve been able to source a mix of certified organic Daikon radish and Tokyo turnips from York Town Organics. Daikon are excellent in Japanese dishes, and also make good pickles (be warned, if you brine Daikon before you pickle them they smell!); the baby turnips are actually very versatile and can be eaten at pretty much every level of cooking, from raw to fully soft and tender. They’re much milder than the large purple-topped turnips we get from Premium Fresh, and can be steamed, stir-fried or roasted with a whole range of flavours – they’d certainly team up quite nicely with the mushrooms included in the $40 boxes!