Seasonal eating in winter is largely about root vegetables and brassicas, but there’s plenty of room for nice things within that remit! This week we’ve got roots galore: carrots – regular and Chantenay – from Premium Fresh, beetroot from Moore’s Farm Fresh, Kestrel potatoes (a great general purpose potato) from John, kennebecs from Dendra Market Gardens, and to stretch the definition a little further, garlic from John (garlic at this time of year does start to try to make new garlic – if you’ve got a green shoot or two, it doesn’t mean you can’t eat the clove!), shallots from Premium Fresh and even leeks from Dendra Gardens. This week’s brassicas are delicious Brussels sprouts and broccoli from Premium Fresh and caulis from Chaplin Bros.
However, not everything is about brassicas and roots; we’ve got fruits in the form of delicious winter-cole pears from O.E. Hansen & Sons, feijoas from Kindred Feijoas, and even pumpkin (we’ve used Nicky’s Queensland Blue and Jarrahdales as well as Charlie’s butternuts this week in a lucky dip format); the sage from Hills Hydroponics included in $20, $30 and $40 boxes will go nicely with pumpkin; and a heap of very different leafy greens including choy sum from Richmond Farm and lime streaks – a mustardy salad green – from York Town Organics. We’re also quite lucky to have another fruit in the mix this week – tomatoes from Cracknells in Granton – as some issues with the boilers that heat the glasshouses at this time of the year have limited supply this week; thankfully Matt’s looked after us and you, and supplied us with over 100kg of truss tomatoes – something that is a treat to have available at this time of the year!